PureSteel™ UV LED Blacklight Light Hood

From Bone Cement Detection to Perfection

The PureSteel™ UV LED Blacklight Light Hood is an overhead, hands-free, LED UV blacklight that allows technicians to detect bone cement on orthopedic devices during the manual cleaning process. Bone cement can be difficult to detect, especially in soapy sinks in decontamination, in lumens, or under other hard-to-see conditions.

The UV LED Blacklight Light Hood ensures that bone cement is caught during decontamination. This prevents mistakes from making their way into assembly, where instrumentation would require additional time and reprocessing costs to fix. The blacklight can also be used independently of regular LED lighting, providing a reliable and efficient solution for detecting bone cement on surfaces.


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Features to help your SPD and/or GI department

  • Overhead, Hands-Free Design: Allows technicians to work efficiently without holding a light.
  • LED UV Blacklight: Specifically designed to detect bone cement on orthopedic devices.
  • Independent Operation: Can be used alongside or independently of regular LED lighting, offering versatile use in various cleaning environments.

Technical Specifications

  • Available in 2' and 4' options
PureSteel™ Healthcare Reprocessing Sinks
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