2024 GI Reprocessing Landscape Report

Our 2024 GI Landscape Report is an annual industry survey providing tremendous insight into the state of GI/Endoscopy reprocessing.

Through our anonymous national survey, gastroenterology professionals are helping to identify trends, challenges and their every day experiences in their departments.

Information includes:

  • What makes a department exceptional to work in.
  • Year over year snapshot, comparing responses from 2024 over 2023.
  • What nurse & technicians enjoy about their jobs.
  • Why people leave GI/Endoscopy departments.
  • The most important problems to solve in GI.
  • Upcoming challenges expected in the GI/Endoscopy space.
  • And much more!

With these results, managers and leadership can identify areas to focus on in their own gastroenterology & endoscopy departments, and begin to work towards making improvements.

Download the Report Now!