
Join LuvDecon

1. To change the perception around working in decontamination.
2. To provide a space for SPD professionals to ask questions/share concerns.
3. To provide education opportunities and resources.
4. To encourage each other in achieving the important goal of patient and staff safety.
LuvDecon is here to help you become DECONfident!
Visit our LuvDecon Merchandise store.
Proceeds fund IAHCSMM scholarships!

luvdecon poster

Participate in the LuvDecon #SquadGoals Poster Campaign

How to participate:

Step 1: Join the LuvDecon community at

Step 1: Request a poster by clicking here. There is no department limit on poster quantity, and it is free to participate.

Step 2: Fill out your goals on the poster and take a photo with your decontamination squad.

Step 3: Post a photo of your decontamination team and your #SquadGoals poster on the LuvDecon Facebook group.

Pure Processing will select a winner at random every month for a free prize package.